when anti-ads backfire

This is an anti-Carly Fiorina ad made by the Democratic party. I wasn't planning to vote for anyone in the Senator psotion, because I don't know enough about Fiorina or Boxer. I had intended to vote only for Governor and the Propositions. But I was watching The Office on HULU when this ad popped up. First of all this annoyed me because I just want to watch hulu in peace without these election ads. And then first line alone made me totally disgusted with Boxer. I'm not a one issue voter, but this ad annoys me. How dare they insinuate that law abiding citizens such as myself are untrustworthy and extreme? So I voted for Fiorina, even though I didnt really care at first. This ad has worked against Boxer at least in one case today :-)


Willy Bob said...

haha! you and your guns...

CP said...

Today a Porsche cut me off so I didn't vote for Boxer. Plus I want to keep my assault weapon.