Hello to my favorite fans!

Thank you BiA for watching my MVP performance in last night's NBA All Star Game. Are you happy I hogged the ball to let the East come back? I thought it would make things more interesting if it was close at the end. I know fans appreciate fancy alley oop dunks in the ASG, but we all know why I choose not to pass, because we all know my individual layups are more interesting than any alley oops. As a tribute to my fans, please see the following videos. Play Lionel Richie's song from starting at 0:38 seconds , while watching my slow motion highlight video at the same time.

"Hello ! Is it my highlights you're looking for? I can see it in your eyes, the reflection of my smile... taking shots is all I've ever wanted, and I'm never open wide. Cause you know just what you'll see, and you know just what I'll do, and you want to tell me so much... 'Kobe I love you' ..."

did yall see me "sike" everyone with me pointing to my teammate like i was gonna pass? I know that ASG ratings depends on taking shots, so you're welcome. And did you see how I told Blake this joke: "Hey man too bad the Clippers suck balls!" Well until next time, keep on chuckin!


- Kobe


Willy Bob said...

lmao You were a douche, but I still love you.

J.Frosty said...

i missed it all =[