Just any other day

No occasion, just wanted to give thanks with a high five to my right hand man.

Random question, if two people are in a relationship status on FB, and one changes his status to "single" does that mean the other person will also be changed to single, or does she have to do it herself? I am curious, cause that would SUCK to find out that way.


J.Frosty said...

That would suck, i think that if you tag someone in your relationship status and not just "in a relationship" it will cancel the other person's status if you cancel yours.

Willy Bob said...

I think if you're in a relationship tag and the other person changes to single...you will remain in a relationship (without a person attached to it) until you remove it yourself. Either way...it sucks to know by fb first. lol

Was it 25 seconds, Bryan? ;)

Mother Russia said...

I'm curious as to why you asked this question in the first place.

Bryan said...

alot of breakups prior to Valentine's day on my feed