Cheap bike = good deal right?

So the guys want to start bike riding together so a Bryan and I went out to buy bikes at good old Target. I can't speak for Bryan's bike, but here is the short lived story of my bike... Price tag was $99.99. First thought, sweet cheap bike! Then I took it to the cash register and the final price was $10 less. Second thought, sweet super cheap bike! As I was taking it out to the car, I noticed the breaks weren't working properly. There was some rubbing on the back wheel. Third thought, okay I can fix this. I spent about 45 minutes trying to fine tune the breaks to get it to work property. I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted. Fourth thought, okay lets just go riding and see how it goes. I was going and going then the peddle came flying off. Fifth thought, okay maybe it was loose. I'll just screw it back on and go on. So I continue on and then it came off again. Sixth thought, WTF this is under regular riding conditions and it's coming off? Seventh thought, dam if I was going faster, I could have lose control. Last thought, this piece of crap is going back to Target. End of story.


J.Frosty said...

lesson of the story, don't do drugs.

Bryan said...

lol hope your next one works. andrew was on our bike for ten minutes and it seems fine. i'll try it for an half an hour tomorrow.

Willy Bob said...

lol! tough luck man

CP said...

hey i just noticed i dont know the diff between breaks and brakes.. haha

ya i don't know what im going to do. maybe walmart? craiglist didn't have any that great.