Showing posts with label Thieu Nhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thieu Nhi. Show all posts

boys are simple, and that's good for TN

I've already posted about how boys of all different personalities can get along (source: see Man Day 2011, 2012). But there's cases right now where guys are becoming friends even though they haven't met each other. My brother started playing League of Legends, and he became the middle man to allow Victor and Michael to play with Ryan and Nathan (Joe/Chris' cousin). So now they are friends with Victor even though they've never met him. This is how guys bond: over activities. You can learn alot about a guy's personality and humor as he cusses during a losing session. Anyway, this makes me happy because although Ryan has been missing due of soccer on Sundays, I he'll join once again. There's also a good chance Nathan might join TN in the future, maybe even in time for our Christmas play.

some camp videos

I laughed so hard at this video. I didn't actually look back to see how Lisa was running away live, but it's so funny with her flailing arms. The pho skit was hilarious too! Most of the lines were unscripted, and just when there's about to be an awkward silence, someone picks up the action.

Welcome Back Thieu Nhi!

Another Sunday, another drawing.

By: JFrosty & CP & ND


Good Times Ahead

I'm awestruck by the feelings I get when I read Paper Planes. The stories they tell really bring out emotion and theres such a strong connection within these stories. Then I realize I haven't really done that at BiA too often. Probably due to a misconception that a manly isn't supposed to be emotional. Well I used to think that way, but now I have seen the light. Exhibit A: A juiced-up man on 'roid rage is full of testosterone, and he must obviously be feeling something as he smashes everything he sees into oblivion. If he has the right to have feelings, so do I.

The only thing on my mind tonight is the hope for Thieu Nhi this year. The San Clemente camp was a great way to wrap up the summer. I've gotten to know many people better this summer for sure. Some people think of me as an easy-going goofy guy who throws himself and his dignity out there for entertainment, but I really much more enjoy getting to know people through intimate conversations rather than through an exchange of jokes. I bring that up because I've had a paradigm shift as a Huynh Truong in recent years. I used to think that to get people to come to Thieu Nhi, you had to go have fun activities and get everyone to hang out and have a good time. Although those things are essential, within the last year I've realized that you hook them for life if you can gain their trust in you.

I think you get through to them not by teaching ideals or by playing fun activities but by putting yourself out there and gaining their trust. You can do that by getting to know people pass the surface, not being judgmental, by being patient with people's shortcomings, by believing in their potential to be great, and by expecting nothing in return. Sometimes they do give you nothing in return, but thats okay. Overall you get a whole community of great people who are supportive of one another. Of course I'm talking about the Nghia Si/Hiep Si, because it has always been my belief that the teenagers are the lifeblood of Thieu Nhi. It made me a little bit discouraged when I switched from Nganh Truong of NS to Thieu, but now it excites me, because I get kids a little bit before the teen years. Because its harder to talk to teenagers when they've already decided Thieu Nhi is lame and a waste of time. Sort of like playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare on very hard difficuly. It's frustrating when you keep getting shot down when you turn the same corner over and over again. Or you're approaching from a safe distance and all of a sudden you're sniped and you don't know what happened. But miraculous conversions do happen sometimes, eh Andy (not TN wise, I'm referring how you went from fat to fit)

I've also thought about what should be a HT's true source of inspiration? At training camp they tell you that you need to have a true love for God in order to teach the kids in the best manner. I think that's totally true, but can't it also be okay for the reverse? How about having a true love for the kids which encourages me to get to know God better, so that I can teach the kids about God? In both cases, you end at the same distination: a stronger individual faith and a stronger TN community.

Anyway, I am really excited for this year! More fun, more learning, more jokes, more people, more food, and more Magnifikool!

found this in an old TN folder

i found tons of BiA's epic drawings during our weekly HT meetings.

This one is the most memorable

A tribute to one of my role models

... Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto. I think Masashi is a genius of human psychology. He writes a manga that is so deep even though it's marketed as a children's story. If that's the case, why did so many of friends fall in love with it in college? I even know some people in their 30s and 40s who are fans of the series.

Let me give you some background info on this somewhat random post.

A lot has been going on with Thieu Nhi lately with some potential for rough waters ahead. Of course the ideal thing to ask oneself is "What would Jesus Do?" Well I don't want to turn the other cheek if someone slaps me. Although I respect those who are admirably pacifist. So I find it a lot easier for myself to ask "What would Naruto do?" He would speak his mind, he would train very hard to become proficient enough to protect his friends, as opposed to the sole purpose of destroying his enemies. Naruto sees the good in everyone and doesn't judge people from their past mistakes or current (in)abilities. He turns the bad guys into good people just from befriending them showing him he has faith in them. And he inspires the weak to become strong. The series shows that all people really want in life is to love and be loved.

To be honest, I didn't take teaching TN seriously until the beginning of this school year. And it's not because I became more holy, I'm very mediocre there. The reason for taking TN serious is because I've seen the amazing changes in the kids I work with. The changes happen very slowly but it's such an inspiration to me. Rebels who are now willing to embarrass themselves in games, arrogant kids who are starting to use their strengths to help others instead of showing off, the list goes on. Relationships are KEY. If we dont have relationships in Thieu Nhi we have nothing.

It's like our Thieu Nhi Doan is the real life Konoha (Naruto's village). Huynh Truong are the elite Jounin, Nghia Si is the intermediate Chunin, and Au Nhi is the baby Genin. We Jounin have been handed the Will of Fire and must pass it on to the next generation. The only thing not real is that not everyone respects the leader Hokage *zing*

So whenever I feel a little pessimistic with our low numbers or ineptness, I ask myself WWND? He would try to teach lessons as best he could. He would believe in everyone. And most importantly he would get them to believe in themselves.

For anyone cares about Naruto series: I have a huge crush on Hinata. Naruto should go for her. (btw im not giving away any spoilers Jon, Naruto is still currently single)

And now for some awesome Naruto-like music courtesy of Kickboxer: