New segments coming soon to BiA + cat mario

CAT MARIO, the most ridiculous game ever. After beating it once (four stages) I replayed and my best record is -21 lives. You can download it here

I was at the grocery store the other day and I saw two brands that made me think of a new segment for our blog.

The JuMex seal of approval (for all things Ju/Mex)

and the Easy Mac seal of approval (for all things Easy/Mac)

Also, I have gotten our good friend Kobe Bryant to start blogging for us, telling us about his on and off-court experiences with the Lakers during this playoffs run!

1 comment:

Willy Bob said...

I'm gonna have to get some personal interviews in with this Kobe Bryant. ;)

I see BiA having more segments on Mex than Ju. lol