New "Dynamic View" Layout

Trying out a new layout, gives it a clean look with a lot of stuff to mess around with. Let me know what you guys think of it please.


Mother Russia said...

For the most part, I feel like I'm looking at a Tumblr user's page or their archive. Blogspot trying to copy?
Nonetheless, I like seeing the different tags, author of each post, and reading a whole post right from the front page instead of having to click on a post to do that.

Willy Bob said...

Too much clutter to my eyes. lol

Mac OBryan said...

its worth trying out for awhile

Khorn said...

Looks clean and good. Too much going on in the last layout.

vinster said...

Nice layout hint hint! Mebbe some more color? good work!

Khorn said...

Now the layout looks clutter. Delete some columns.