The big news right now is that the U.S. military has some top brass that support women to have combat roles in the military.
People who are against it have two reasons:
1) Physical. Can a woman do the same physical qualifications as a man?
2) Mental/Emotional. Can a woman fight? Will she cause her unit to be less effective?
The physical is easy, a person can either carry one hundred pounds and jump a wall, or they can't. It's the mental part that will get people debating.
My stance? I support having woman permitted in combat roles, because I support every individual's right to do whatever they want, as long as it's not hurting someone else. Some women would make great soldiers. I suppose it's easier for me to imagine as a Vietnamese, because we have the legendary Trung sisters who lead revolts against the Chinese.
That being said, I am not a feminist. I'm actually sexist in the fact that I believe the average men and women have significant differences.
Men are different from women. Not every man is the same, and not every woman is the same. But biologically there are differences that make the gender what it is. An off-topic example: some neurologists took samples of brain fluid from convicts and they have a much higher level of nickel (or was it cobalt?) than the average person. It's not causation, but it's definitely correlation. Keep in mind that Nickel/Cobalt is a trace element in the bloodstream. How much more would testosterone and estrogen affect people? Experiments with hormone therapy significantly affect people's personality and moods. Those two hormones are what makes the genders different.
Most boys grow up playing with guns. Most girls grow up playing with dolls. Some of them will play with the others' toys, but most will not. It's what makes them happy. Some nurture has some part of it: parents give them gender specific toys. But nature is the bigger culprit. Do you think parents tell little boys to go finger shooting each other inside church? Hell no, that's just them. The violence is the same reason bucks play-fight each other as young deer. They don't know it yet, but it's preparing them for the future. It's fun because it's natural.
But while the average man is different from the average woman, not every man is the same and not every woman is the same. Can women make good soldiers? Some can, and some can't. But it's just like men. Some men aren't brave enough to fight. Therefore a woman who wants to fight is more of a man than many men. I say let her fight and let us honor her sacrifices.
1 comment:
as long as you have no problem shooting a threat, i have no problem with you serving next to anyone else.
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