McDonald's New "Mac Wrap" review and Haiku #2

For $1.50 this was pretty good. I give it 7/10 but I still like their chicken snack wraps more. If I wanted Big Mac taste, I'd buy a Big Mac. But if you're craving for some Mac Sauce in a smaller portion (it has half the calories and fat, I read on the wrapper, thank you McDonalds for letting me know I'm eating 350 calories and 17g of fat), the Mac Wrap is perfect for eating on the go. I ate this while driving and it wasn't messy. Let's get to the pros and cons:

Pros: tastes like Big Mac, portable, half the cost, half the calories and fat

Cons: Has the same flaws as a Big Mac: the taste depends on the sauce and pickles. This proves that the 3-layered sesame seed bun of the Big Mac is inconsequential, because the tortilla-covered Mac Wrap tastes exactly the same. To this day I still stand by Carl's Jr. as the only fast food place where the patty itself is the source of flavor.

Another con: if you open it to see it before you eat it, it looks like a McD's worker had to use the restroom and couldn't make it to the toilet in time:
Eeeyyt ------------------------->
You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but for the Mac Wrap, you should. If you're not a hamburger person, don't try this. Mac sauce is an acquired taste. It's like thousand island dressing plus some secret lard material.

In summary: There's no way an executive or white collar worker in corporate McDonald's thought of this. Some poor starving college student must have pitched the idea. Why do I know this? Because I once made what I called a "hamburrito" with ground beef and tortillas. I was starving and ran out of buns. Interestingly, I also put in thousand island sauce. I guess you can say I invented this before McDonalds did, but I didn't think it was possible McD would try to sell this to people. Here's a Haiku to describe my feelings:

McD's new Mac Wrap
It tastes just like the Big Mac
But it looks like ****

There is one more invention that would piss the shit out of me if they stole it from me. For the longest time I've thought of creating a "Small Mac" like how Jack in the Box makes Mini Sirloin Burgers. Maybe I should call corporate McDonalds and see if they'll pay me something for the idea... It would taste so much better than Jack's mini burgers, those things are overpriced and overrated. Jack stopped doing his annoying "Yippee Kay Yay, Mini Sirloin Burgers!" commercials once people tried it and were disgusted. Its just ketchup and mustard as dressing! and I hate mustard!


Phi said...

wooo I'm not the only one who hates mustard! and I'd pay for a Small Mac! :)

J.Frosty said...