I've always thought about becoming a youtube star

yes that's right. a youtube star.Add Image
some people do it through singing. this guy jason whom i know personally, has over a 300k hits on some songs.

others do it through teaching stuff ... like michelle phan who teaches how to put on makeup... i have a crush on her even though she's probably in HS... gah... crush on a high schooler...

and others do it by being funny... daxflame (white boy with PMS), nigahiga (how to be nerd, ninja, etc), Bart Kwan as Uncle Same (ghetto korean guy from UCLA who has a good viet accent).

Well I know I can be funny, but I never really had true inspiration for making youtube videos. BiA's joint venture Eeeytproductions hasn't taken off yet, because we haven't tried yet. I'm sure when we put up our first video, it has a good chance to go viral and explode.

But what I've always wanted to do is create a character that people would love to hate. A fob that's a major douche but so funny that you have to watch him. I've got so much material from being a former douche myself. Combine that with a lovable fob accent and some racist humor = win-win situation! Think Michael Scott, but instead of running an office, he's an Asian student. Fobby, ignorant, racist, douchebag asian FTW!

I don't want to be famous in real life. But I want to be anonymously famous. Just to bring laughs to the hordes of guys just like us.

Jon would you like join me in my quest for youtube stardom? You have a better Viet accent and I'm actually better at a Chinese accent. We can do joint videos and separate videos on the same account. First of, we need fake names... like Phuc Dat and Long Wang... or Bao Waw and Tai Shu... give me some suggestions in the comments...

- Mac


vinster said...

nice ambition. im sure u'll gain a horde of followers!

and i think u're beating yourself up

good luck
im always here for support! hahah

Anh Di said...

last sentence second paragraph is hilarious

J.Frosty said...


Anonymous said...

peter chow?

Mac OBryan said...

wow just looked up peter chao. what a douche! therefore ... i love him!

CP said...

Jon you're not ready for the name long wang.. You still have much growing to do my son!

J.Frosty said...

LOL nice