Jumex: Magazine Subscriptions

The following receives BiA's JuMex stamp of approval:

I was at Barnes and Nobles buying Collapse, which is the sequel to Guns, Germs, and Steel when I was looking at some magazines. I was looking through GQ and found a subscription postcard. The two year deal ($20 for 24 issues) was alot better than the one year deal ($15 for 12 issues) so I'm getting the two year deal. I love GQ, I don't know why I didn't subscribe to this before. I like taking fashion cues from them, and the articles deal with many things interesting to me, like women, economy, technology, health, etc. I did get a better deal than this once, when I signed up for Car and Driver for 3 years for $20. It was a steal, but I ultimately realized I didn't care about cars that much. Most of those magazines just went unread.

Aaanyway, I had this awesome realization. Those subscription postcards do not say "use this card by this date" or any sign of a deal expiration. Why don't we just hang on to tons of postcards of our favorite magazines.... and use them five, ten, twenty years from now? When inflation increases the going rate of subscriptions to $50 a year in the year 2030, pull out this baby from 2011 *BAM* $20 for two years! Forget investing in gold and silver, these subscription suckers will fight inflation for you. Remember, the more magazines you buy the better! The more you spend, the more you save!

Until next time, pinch those pennies!


Willy Bob said...

I like you jew!

J.Frosty said...

jewtastic! take them out of other magazines!!!!

Khorn said...

Okay, someone need to start a Fashion 101 for guys. I've been thinking about it lately, but been busy with job hunting. Look for the first post "Fashion For Ballers".