Sunday Thoughts

By: CP & Frosty

Some pre-meeting shenanigans


CP said...

gotta admit, there was less chit chat today

J.Frosty said...

lol, i guess, but it had to do with more than just sitting boy girl.

Khorn said...

who is the 3rd dinosaur on the left side in the V? lol

Mac OBryan said...

omg haha

Mac OBryan said...

in response to less talking, this year in general i am trying to be more aware of when i am being distracting. there's a good time to bring in comedy and humor, and im dying all meeting to make my entrance. the goal isn't to be more quiet, it's to stop inside jokes and make everyone laugh.

the older HT do it sometimes too, talking away senselessly and wasting our meeting time. So everyone has fault.

I'm just happy we end our meetings around 2 now so we can relax before mass

Anonymous said...

Not to sound condescending but I find this particular news station's interpretation as what "breaking news" very concerning.

Curious, who drew them dinosaurs or gators? They're hella cute! ^.^