Bryan's ramblings

I agree with Jon about Book of Eli. 8.5 outta 10 seems right. Watch it, you won't be disappointed. Especially if you're of the demographic like us who "holds onto their guns and religion" - Hillary Clinton.

I have to mention how I feel about the Earthquake in Haiti: I feel absolutely nothing. And thats the reason it makes me SICK. Why can't I feel more sorry? When I watch the TV it feels like I'm watching a movie and it doesn't make me feel anything. Instead of stirring something in my heart, it only makes me debate many things in my head.

The first thing I start thinking is why God lets things like this happen. When I realized I didn't know much about Haiti I went to wikipedia to read up and was shocked when it said 80% of people there are Catholics. So why did God allow this to happen? Didn't God tell Abraham he would spare Sodom and Gomorrah if he found only 10 good men? I saw videos of hundreds of people attending mass over the church rubble the Sunday after the quake. Thats definitely alot of good people who still have faith. I'll tell you right now if that quake happened in L.A. and I lost my family, I would not go to church that week. I'd be pissed off.

But the thing that makes me mad the most is that this was a natural disaster. It took me awhile to answer one question: "Why does God let evil people hurt good people?" Evil isn't something defined by itself, it is merely the absence of goodness, just like how darkness can only be defined as the absence of light. Evil and Good exist only by free will, which every human being has. Sometimes good people suffer because another person decides to act evil. Fine, I can accept that. But this earthquake is different. There was no human behind this, only God. God could have stopped this earthquake if he wanted. So why didn't he? It's one thing to end the entire world's existence, but it's another thing to take away someone's family, house, and livelihood and leave them scrambling to piece together their lives. It's not fair.

I'm still trying to find the answer but thus far I've come up with these conclusions:

We live in Los Angeles. The big one can happen to us also. Be ready for it:

Make peace with God/your family/your enemies and live life to the fullest in case you die
And in case you survive, stock up on water and food (and ammo lol)



J.Frosty said...

i'm indifferent and i'd be lying if i said that i was sick of myself for feeling indifferent.

I know it sucks and I know that i should feel sorry but, there's just something blocking all of it out.

I Don't blame God for the bad things, I Only thank him for the Good Things.

Phi said...

I haven't been watching the news lately (or ever), but I believe tragedy or "unfortunte events" give way for change in people and the world.

Example, it gave you the insight to cherish your life, didn't it? (or even prepare for worse)